Iu Perramon participated yesterday as one of the speakers in an online session organized by Cluster of Efficient Energy of Catalonia, where the 11 projects of the #CEEC corresponding to the call for Groups Innovative Business Initiatives (AEI) of 2023 from the Ministry of Industry and Tourism.
Our project, SMART ENERGY PACI, developed in collaboration with the Efficient Energy Cluster of Catalonia, Energy Tools, INNOVACC Catalan alternative meat and protein cluster and EMBUTIDOS VILLAMARIN SL seeks to create an intelligent energy management platform for the meat sector. This tool, hosted in the cloud, will allow you to monitor energy consumption, analyze patterns, generate reports, optimize demand and identify savings opportunities.
#PACIGlobal #pacienginyers #CEEC #IuPerramon #Cluster #MinisterioIndustriayTurismo #SmartEnergyPACI #PlataformaInteligente #GestionEnergetica #Monitorizacion #PatternAnalysis #GeneracionInformes #Optimizacion #AhorroEnergetico #Innovacion #SectorCarnico #SesionOnline