PACI Global has had the pleasure of being part of the mission organized by the Clúster de l’Energia Eficient de Catalunya with the support of ACCIÓ Catalonia T&I Deutschland and the Swiss embassy.

During the days we have visited different universities, innovation departments, start ups, private and public companies. It has been an inspirational journey that has allowed us to get to know a benchmark ecosystem, both at the energy level and in the field of innovation and implementation of new technologies. The mission has had the participation of: Francesc Ribera Grau, Teresa Puerta (ACCIÓ), Ramon Gallart Fernández, Sergio Morales Ruiz – PhD Engineer., ★ Patrick Renau i Meier, Nathalie Kühlmann and María Puig Vila-Coro.

We hope to be able to return next time and to continue enriching ourselves with this network of professionals.

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