Project Description
Exciting collaboration between PACI Global and the Hotel HCC St. Moritz in Barcelona! We join forces to promote sustainability and energy efficiency. In this project, we installed photovoltaic solar panels with an installed power of 34.44 Kwp. With an annual production of approximately 51,736.32 kWh, we managed to avoid the emission of 24,304.46 kg of CO2 per year. PACI Global was in charge of the design, legalization and direction of the work.
We are committed to energy efficiency, emission reduction and sustainable development in the hotel sector. We will continue to implement innovative solutions to promote energy efficiency and contribute to a greener and healthier future. We are proud of our association with Hotel HCC St. Moritz and will continue to look for opportunities to expand our reach and contribute to the fight against climate change.
Join us on this exciting journey towards a more sustainable world!
#PACIGlobal #PaciEnginyers #SunOnTop #Padilla308 #HotelHCCStMoritz #Sostenibilidad #PlacasSolares #CambioClimatico #EnergiaRenovable #EficienciaEnergetica #Sostenibilidad #PanelesSolares #Colaboracion #DesarrolloSostenible #ReduccionEmisiones #HotelesSostenibles #EnergiaRenovable #CompromisoAmbiental #CambioClimatico
Your project in the best hands
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☎️ +34 93 418 1584 | 🌐 td> |