PACI Global will participate again on March 17 and for the seventh consecutive year in the 11th MAGIC LINE/SANT JOAN DE DÉU, a solidarity mobilization of San Juan de Dios that helps people in vulnerable situations and promotes solidarity and commitment for a world better. The event will take place in various locations in Spain, including Catalonia, Gran Canaria, Mallorca, Murcia, Madrid and Valencia, on dates between March and April 2024. Over the last 10 years, more than €3 million has been raised , 115,000 people have been involved and 300 social and health projects have been financed.

@solidaridadsjd @solidaritatsjd @magiclinesjd
#PACIGlobal #pacienginyers #padilla308 #SunOnTop #Magicliner #magiclinesjd #MagicLine #SJD #MagicLiners #SolidaritatSJD #SoldaridadSJD #MagicLineSJD #SanJoandeDéu #SanJuandeDios #EsportsAmbValors #CaminadaSolidaria #CaminataSolidaria #11AnysCaminantJunts #11 YearsWalkingTogether #SomElQueCompartim #SomosLoQueCompartimos